GST provisional registration details of Spices Board New Feature : Click here for Auction Report मसाला: छोटी इलायची, नीलाम की तारीख: 05-Dec-2019, नीलामकर्ता: Cardamom Planters' Association, Santhanpara, लोटों की संख्या: 94, आवक की मात्रा(कि.ग्रा.): 15129.8, बिकी मात्रा (कि.ग्रा.): 13258, अधिकतम मूल्य (रु./कि.ग्रा.): 2996.00, औसत मूल्य (रु./कि.ग्रा.): 2796.47 मसाला: छोटी इलायची, नीलाम की तारीख: 05-Dec-2019, नीलामकर्ता: The Cardamom Processing & Marketing Co-Operative Society Ltd, Kumily, लोटों की संख्या: 278 , आवक की मात्रा(कि.ग्रा.): 66537.5, बिकी मात्रा (कि.ग्रा.): 64395.7, अधिकतम मूल्य (रु./कि.ग्रा.): 3168.00, औसत मूल्य (रु./कि.ग्रा.): 2834.62 Spice: Large Cardamom, Date: 05-Dec-2019, Market: Singtam, Type: Badadana, Price (Rs./Kg): 438, Spice: Large Cardamom, Date: 05-Dec-2019, Market: Singtam, Type: Chotadana, Price (Rs./Kg): 400, Spice: Large Cardamom, Date: 05-Dec-2019, Market: Gangtok, Type: Badadana, Price (Rs./Kg): 450, Spice: Large Cardamom, Date: 05-Dec-2019, Market: Gangtok, Type: Chotadana, Price (Rs./Kg): 400, Spice: Large Cardamom, Date: 05-Dec-2019, Market: Siliguri, Type: Badadana, Price (Rs./Kg): 520, Spice: Large Cardamom, Date: 05-Dec-2019, Market: Siliguri, Type: Chotadana, Price (Rs./Kg): 407,
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अंतिम अद्यतन 20-11-2015, 10:49



The Spices Board has formulated Integrated Projects for Andra Pradesh and Telangana for implementation under MIDH / RKVY. Production and post harvest schemes have been drawn to be implemented in the states based on the focus crops viz., chilli and turmeric. ,The production schemes of the project will be implemented by the respective state Departments of Agriculture/ Horticulture and post harvest improvement schemes under the project will be implemented by the Spices Board. The project is being implemented with financial assistance from RKVY.


Govt of Andhra Pradesh has sanctioned a sum of Rs. 365 lakhs for implementing the post harvest schemes of the Integrated Project during 2014-15 and the schemes are being continued during 2015-16.

a) Supply of Silpauline sheets to chilli growers

The Board is supplying silpauline sheets of size 18m x12 m to chilli growers at 50% subsidy to encourage growers to dry chilli under hygienic conditions.

    b) Supply of HDPE sheets to chilli / turmeric growers

    The Board is supplying HDPE sheets of size 8m x 6m to turmeric growers at 50% subsidy to encourage growers to dry chilli and turmericunder hygienic conditions.

      c) Supply of PP equipments to chilli growers

      The objective is to facilitate the growers to take up timely and effective and need based spraying of pp chemicals and bio-agents to manage pest and diseases.

        d) Supply of Turmeric boilers

        The objective of the programme is to motivate growers / growers groups to take up boiling of turmeric on scientific basis by supplying at 50% subsidy.

          e) Supply of Turmeric polishers

          The objective of the programme is to motivate the growers / growers groups to polish the turmeric before marketing to enhancing the quality of dried turmeric by supplying mechanically operated turmeric polishers at 50% subsidy.

            f) Turmeric seed material

              The objective of the scheme is to supply quality turmeric seed materials to the growers at for improving the production and quality of turmeric at 40% subsidy.

              g) Quality Improvement Training

              The main objective is for capacity building of the growers and officials, to provide hands on training on the improved cultivation and post harvest management practices of spices particularly chilli and turmeric Trainings to the growers and officials within and outsides the states; exposure visits for growers; District and State level seminars for the stake holders viz growers, officials NGOs, exporters etc. are being organized under the project. The total cost is fully met under the project.


                An amount of Rs. 110 lakhs has been released by the Govt. of Telangana for implementing the post harvest schemes including the following components during 2015-16

                I. Integrated Development Project for Chilli

                  a)Poly house drier

                  The objective of the scheme is to dry chilli under controlled conditions by establishing poly house solar driers at 50% cost in the growers' field to prevent microbial growth thereby avoid aflatoxin problem.

                    b) Supply of Silpaualine sheets to chilli growers

                    The Board is supplying silpauline sheets of size 18m x12 m to chilli growers at 50% subsidy to encourage growers to dry chilli under hygienic conditions.

                      c) Supply of IPM kits

                      The objective is to motivate the growers to adopt Integrated Pest Management practices to manage the pest & diseases in an economical way through integrated approach employing minimum use of pesticides and biological measures and a range of measures in the management system by supplying IPM kits at 30% subsidy.

                      d) QIT Training Programmes

                      The main objective is for capacity building of the growers to provide hands on training on the improved cultivation and post harvest management practices of chilli by training the growers within and outside the states; exposure visits for growers, etc. The total cost is fully met under the project.

                      II. Integrated Development Project for Turmeric

                        a) Supply of HDPE sheets to turemric growers

                        The Board is supplying HDPE sheets of size 8m x 6 m to turmeric growers at 50% subsidy to encourage growers to dry turmeric under hygienic conditions.

                          b)Poly house drier

                          The objective of the scheme is to dry turmeric under controlled conditions by establishing poly house solar driers at 50 % subsidy in the growers' field to prevent microbial growth thereby avoid aflatoxin problem.

                            c)Supply of IPM kits

                              The objective is to motivate the growers to adopt Integrated Pest Management practices to manage the pest & diseases in an economical way through integrated approach employing minimum use of pesticides and biological measures and a range of measures in the management system by supplying IPM kits at 30% subsidy.

                                d) Supply of Turmeric boilers

                                The objective of the programme is to motivate growers / growers groups to take up boiling of turmeric on scientific basis by supplying at 50% subsidy.

                                  e) Supply of Turmeric polishers

                                  The objective of the programme is to motivate the growers / growers groups to polish the turmeric before marketing to enhancing the quality of dried turmeric by supplying mechanically operated turmeric polishers at 50% subsidy.

                                    f) Market linkage / State holders Meet

                                      The main objective is to establish linkage between farmers' groups and the institutional buyers, processors, exporters etc. by organizing buyer-sellers meets to market the quality produce directly so that better prices will be realized by the farmers. The total cost will be met under the project.

                                      g)QIT Training Programmes

                                      The main objective is for capacity building of the growers to provide hands on training on the improved cultivation and post harvest management practices of turemric by training the growers within and outside the states; exposure visits for growers, etc. The total cost is fully met under the project.