Major Activity
- Analysis of pesticide residue content in small cardamom samples at farm gate level for farmers/stakeholders by GC-MS/MS
- Determination of artificial coloring of small cardamom by UV and HPLC methods.
- To create awareness among growers about harmful effects of pesticide residue content in cardamom and take remedial measures.
Research Activities Undertaken
- Standardization of GC-MS/MS (Optimization, Validation, etc., using individual standards)
- Determination of artificial coloring of small cardamom by UV and HPLC methods
- Dissipation studies of major pesticides sprayed in small cardamom - lambda Cyhalothrin, Flubendamide (GC-MS/MS study)
Brief Description
Established a Quality Evaluation Laboratory at ICRI, Myladumpara under the externally funded project entitled 'Establishing a comprehensive surveillance system for Cardamom Hill Reserve (CHR) by strengthening Quality Testing Laboratory at ICRI, Myladumpara, Idukki district, Kerala' by State Horticulture Mission, Government of Kerala.
The instrumentation part was standardized for the quantification of pesticide residue content in the cardamom samples through Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS/MS). Extraction method for pesticide analysis is standardized in small cardamom samples by QUECHER'S procedure (Quick, Easy, Cheap, and Rugged).
A total of 46 pesticides covering organochlorine compounds (16 nos.), organo phosphorous compounds (21 nos.), neonicotinoid insecticide (3 nos.), synthetic pyrethroid insecticides (2 nos), dicarboximide fungicide (1 no), ryanoid class insecticide (1 no), spinosyn class insecticide (1 no) and tetronic acid class insecticide (1 no) are the pesticide compounds which can be analyzed in GC-MS/MS.
At present, with the available manpower, QEL at ICRI, Myladumpara can analyze approximately 15-30 samples per week. The mandatory levels set for the pesticide content as per the maximum residue limit (MRL) in cardamom fixed for many countries could be covered in the lab tests. At present, QEL at Myladumpara is analyzing cardamom samples for research purposes. This service will be opened to the public after the formal inauguration.