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Last updated on 27-01-2016, 17:14


ICRI has full-fledged research laboratories and field blocks for carrying out various basic and applied research programmes and adaptive trials on Crop improvement & Biotechnology, Agronomy & Soil Science and Crop Protection at its main station and RRSs. Soil testing laboratories are present in the main and regional centres for undertaking analytical services and for providing fertilizer recommendations to planters. The institute also has infrastructure facility for large scale production of Bio-agents for supplying to needy farmers. The ICRI has a weather station attached to the Agronomy division for regularly recording information on meteorological conditions. ICRI is providing regular advisory services to the spice farming community.


1. The ICRI research farm (64.67 ha.) is utilized for undertaking various field trials on cardamom and also demonstration plots.

2. Twenty-six labourers are employed to carry out various agricultural operations of the farm and trial plots.

3. Regional research stations are attached with research farms for conducting field experiments.

4. Quality planting materials of cardamom and pepper (accredited by DASD) are multiplied and distributed to farmers.



ICRI has a well-established library which maintains

1. A collection of around 6000 books including periodicals and books on cardamom and other spices.

2. Newspaper subscription in two languages.

3. Library management software is used for streamlining and maintaining Scientific Journals, Periodicals, Books and Publications.

4. Information dissemination related on spices to scientists, farmers, academicians and students.

5. Newspaper clippings service on spices and current titles regularly.


The Administration Department supports various divisions for achieving the set objectives and functions with utmost efficiency.

1. Headed by Assistant Director and supported by other staff members.

2. Assist in the financial management and auditing.