
Botanical Name
Garcinia cambogiaFamily
ClusiaceaeCommercial Part
Cambodge is a tropical fruit commonly known as ‘Malabar Tamarind’ is a medium size evergreen dioecious tree with rounded crown and horizontal or drooping branches attaining a height of 18 mtrs. Fruit is a berry having a size of an apple, yellow or red, 6 to 8 grooves, forming blunt lobes with tough rind, 6 to 8 seeds and succulent arils. Fruit is weighing 50 to 180 gms.
Origin and Distribution
It is a native of Western Ghats of Kerala (India). Its habitat extends from Konkan southward to Travancore and into the shola forests of Nilgiris. It is fairly common in Sri Lanka and Malaysia.
The dried rind is used as a condiment for flavouring curries. In Sri Lanka the dried rind with salt is used for curing fish. The rind contains hydroxy citric acid and is widely employed in anti-obesity drugs.
Indian Name of Spices
Hindi : Goraka Malayalam : Kodampuli Sanskrit : Vrikshamala
Foreign Name of Spices
Chinese : Guan-mu Dutch : Geelihars English : Malabar tamarind French : Gamboge German : Gummiguttbaum